viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

Euthanasia, the right to die

Euthanasia is defined as “the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit”   

Our constitution says on art. 19 N° 1 “The Constitution guarantees all persons: The right to life and physical and mental integrity of the person” every human been in this country not just have the right to live, but also to dispose of their own life, that’s the spirit of our legislation and we can see it in the fact that suicide isn’t penalized.

The problem begins when he needs help to commit it. The help to the suicide is a crime typified on our penal code. The Article 393 Penal Code “Whoever knowingly assists another to commit suicide shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment in its medium to maximum levels, if it achieves death.” 

But is or is not viable to allow a person who wants to end his life but that cannot do it helps him to achieve his will? What’s the difference between a person who has the skills with someone that’s unable to do it?

My opinion is that the government cannot have the right to forbid chose when you have to die, and people who are disabled to do it himself should be helped to do it. It’s a thing of human dignity and as is guarantee on our constitution, government should allow Euthanasia.

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